The dashboard provides a special secure Websocket endpoint
. This is a read-only notifications endpoint.
Each notification is a JSON object with three keys:
: notification name, e.g. "online", "offline", "", "rpc.out.Log"id
: an ID of a device that generated the eventdata
: optional notification-specific data.The online
and offline
events are generated by the dashboard. The
events are generated by the device: these are JSON-RPC requests
without an ID (notifications). For example, dash
library forwards all
device logs to the dashboard as Log
RPC calls, thus generating rpc.out.Log
RPC call to the device generate*
The dashboard UI uses /api/v2/notify
endpoint in order to catch state changes.
Login to the dashboard and open the developer tools / network / WS panel to
see it in action.
You can implement your own service that attaches to the /api/v2/notify
for example in Node JS (don't forget to substitute API_TOKEN with your real
API access token):
const Websocket = require('ws');
const addr = 'wss://';
const ws = new Websocket(addr, { origin: addr });
ws.on('message', msg => console.log('Got message:', msg.toString()));
To see your mDash API tokens, login to mDash and click on "Keys" tab:
The API is documented at mDash API. Below are quick examples.
In C/C++:
mgos_dash_notifyf("MyStat", "{temperature: %f}", 12.34);
In JavaScript:
Dash.notify('MyStat', {temperature: 12.34});
Note that the format of data is arbitrary - it could be anything: a number,
a string, an array, or a complex nested object. It's up to you. In this
example, a simple object {"temperature": 12.34}
is used. The
example generates the following notification:
"id": "DEVICE_ID", // This is the device ID that generated notification
"name": "rpc.out.MyStat", // "rpc.out.EVENT_NAME", in our case rpc.out.MyStat
"data": {"temperature": 12.34} // Your event payload - arbitrary
Further possible actions: