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mongoose-os-libs/pwm mgos_pwm.h   api_pwm.js

This library provides PWM (pulse-width modulation) support for Mongoose OS.


bool mgos_pwm_set(int pin, int freq, float duty);

Set and control the PWM.

Params: pin: GPIO number. freq: Frequency, in Hz. 0 disables PWM on the pin. duty: Specifies which fraction of the cycle is spent in "1" state: 0 is always off, 0.5 is a square wave, 1 is always on. Return: true - SUCCESS, false - FAIL.

Note: On esp32 we use 8 channels and 4 timers. Each mgos_set_pwm call with new pin number assigns a new channel. If we already have timer running at the specified frequency, we use it instead of assigning a new one.



PWM.set(pin, freq, duty)

Set and control the PWM. pin is a GPIO pin number, freq is frequency, in Hz. freq 0 disables PWM on the pin. duty specifies which fraction of the cycle is spent in "1" state: 0 is always off, 0.5 is a square wave, 1 is always on. Return: true - success, false - failure.


PWM.set(pin, 50, 2.73);

Note: on ESP32 we use 8 channels and 4 timers. Each PWM.set() call with new pin number assigns a new channel. If we already have a timer running at the specified frequency, we use it instead of assigning a new one.

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