Mongoose OS + Google IoT Core

This tutorial demonstrates the following:

  • How to build a skeleton firmware for a commercial smart device, managed by Google IoT Core
  • How to reuse the code for different hardware platforms
  • How to control devices via Google IoT Core config object
  • How to report device state via Google IoT Core state object

See following video that repeats setup steps mentioned below:

Setup Google IoT Core

  • Install gcloud command line tool
  • Authenticate with Google Cloud:
    gcloud auth application-default login
  • Create cloud project - choose your unique project name:
    gcloud projects create YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
  • Add permissions for IoT Core:
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding YOUR_PROJECT_NAME --role=roles/pubsub.publisher
  • Set default values for gcloud:
    gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
  • Create PubSub topic for device data:
    gcloud pubsub topics create iot-topic
  • Create PubSub subscription for device data:
    gcloud pubsub subscriptions create --topic iot-topic iot-subscription
  • Create device registry:
    gcloud iot registries create iot-registry --region europe-west1 --event-notification-config=topic=iot-topic

Setup device

  • Pick one of the supported devices. We suggest to choose from recommended devboards
  • Connect your device to your workstation via USB
  • Complete Quickstart Guide steps 1-7 inclusive. As a result, your device should be connected to the Internet
  • Get project ID of your new project:
    gcloud projects list
  • Register device on Google IoT Core. If a device is already registered, this command deletes it, then registers again. Note that this command is using YOUR_PROJECT_ID instead of YOUR_PROJECT_NAME. Take the project ID from the result of your previous command:
    mos gcp-iot-setup --gcp-project YOUR_PROJECT_ID --gcp-region europe-west1 --gcp-registry iot-registry
    This command performs certificate management for you, and onboards your device on a cloud. If your device has an Atmel ECC508A secure element attached, Mongoose OS automatically uses ECC508A chip for TLS and keeps your credentials securely stored.

Controlling LED via Google IoT Core

Open fs/init.js in your favorite editor, copy-paste the following snippet and save:


let led = Cfg.get('');
let topic = '/devices/' + Cfg.get('') + '/config';

GPIO.set_mode(led, GPIO.MODE_OUTPUT);

MQTT.sub(topic, function(conn, topic, msg) {
  print('Topic:', topic, 'message:', msg);
  let obj = JSON.parse(msg) || {led: 0};
  GPIO.write(led, obj.led);
}, null);

The snippet above subscribes to the /config notifications. Once the config object is sent to device by Google IoT Core, the handler function is called and lights the corresponding LED.

In the command prompt (or terminal on Linux/Mac), enter the following commands to copy init.js to the device, reboot the device, and start monitoring serial output:

mos put fs/init.js
mos call Sys.Reboot
mos console

Find a registered device in a Google IoT Core device registry. Click on "Update Config" button, and in the opened dialog, enter the following configuration and hit "SEND TO DEVICE":

{"led": 1}

Note how one of the LEDs turns on. NOTE: some dev boards, notably Espressif, have LED pins inverted, i.e. they switch off on value 1 and switch on, on value 0. Enter

{"led": 0}

Note how the LED turns off.

Important thing to note: Google IoT Core send device config object each time device comes online or a config change is made. That means, that if you power cycle the device, it'll sync its LED state with the cloud as soon as it gets connected.

Reporting state to Google IoT Core

We are going to report free RAM to the Google IoT Core periodically, to the Google's special /state object.

Open fs/init.js in your favorite editor, copy-paste the following snippet and save:


let topic = '/devices/' + Cfg.get('') + '/state';

Timer.set(3000 /* milliseconds */, Timer.REPEAT, function() {
  let msg = JSON.stringify({free: Sys.free_ram(), total: Sys.total_ram()});
  print(topic, '->', msg);, msg, 1);
}, null);

In the command prompt (or terminal on Linux/Mac), enter the following commands to copy init.js to the device, reboot the device, and start monitoring serial output:

mos put fs/init.js
mos call Sys.Reboot
mos console

In the Google IoT Web console, click on the "Configuration and state history", and see how new state objects are arriving. Click on any state object, select "text" view, and check the JSON string that is sent by device.

Using ATECC508A crypto chip

See on how to use ATECC508A crypto chip with Mongoose OS and Google IoT Core.

Sending debug logs to stackdriver

It may be very useful for remote debugging to be able to see a device's logs in Stackdriver. To do so you need to configure the debug.stdout_topic / debug.stderr_topic fields, add a topic in Google IoT, create a cloud function that listens to the topic and writes a new log entry that you can watch live in Stackdriver. We'll be using the topic name of 'debug', and associating both debug and error logs with it, but you can use whatever you like!

*** Warning *** This may incur a lot of storage and processing costs running full debug through the cloud functions and storage. Proceed at own risk.

Configure device

It's recommended to set it via a config{7/8/9}.json file that you load onto the device, or you can simply configure the device via mos tool: mos call Config.Set '{"config": {"debug": {"stdout_topic": "/devices/{YOURDEVICEID}/events/debug", "stderr_topic": "/devices/{YOURDEVICEID}/events/debug"}}}' Replace {YOURDEVICEID} with the ID of the device.

Add a topic

  • Log into your cloud console, navigate to IoT core and choose your registry.
  • Click add/edit topics
  • There's an add topic and subfolder button, click that
  • Choose 'add topic' from the popup
  • Fill the topic and subfolder fields with 'debug'
  • Go back to the add/edit topics screen, scroll down and click update

Create a Firebase cloud function

We presume you know how to use firebase cloud functions, and we'll be assuming you have a local functions folder that you're editing and uploading. Here's some docu if you need to get up to speed:

This is our function to intercept the debug topic and write a meaningful log result to Stackdriver.

var functions = require('firebase-functions');
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');

// create the Stackdriver Logging client
const logging = new Logging({
    projectId: process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT,

// start cloud function

exports.deviceLog =
    functions.pubsub.topic('debug').onPublish((message) => {

        //console.log("message received: ", message);

        const log = logging.log('debug-logs');
        const metadata = {
            // Set the Cloud IoT Device you are writing a log for
            // you extract the required device info from the PubSub attributes
            resource: {
                type: 'cloudiot_device',
                labels: {
                    project_id: message.attributes.projectId,
                    device_num_id: message.attributes.deviceNumId,
                    device_registry_id: message.attributes.deviceRegistryId,
                    location: message.attributes.location,
            labels: {
                // note device_id is not part of the monitored resource, but you can
                // include it as another log label
                device_id: message.attributes.deviceId,

        let buff = new Buffer(, 'base64');
        let text = buff.toString('ascii');
        //console.log("data: ", text);

        let textArray = text.split("|");
        if (textArray[0].substr(-1) === "2"){
            metadata['severity'] = 'ERROR';
        } else {
            metadata['severity'] = 'DEBUG';

        // write the log entryto Stackdriver Logging
        const entry = log.entry(metadata, textArray[1]);
        return log.write(entry);

Deploy that function and then go to the Stackdriver console, and drill down to the function to check that it's executing without errors.

View the logs

Within Stackdriver click the resource filter and choose Cloud IoT Device, and you can either choose all device num or a specific (Google ID) device to see the nicely formatted debug logs.

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