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mongoose-os-libs/pppos mgos_pppos.h    

This library provides IP over serial port. Encapsulation is PPP.


  "pppos": {
    "enable": false,                # Enable PPPoS
    "uart_no": 1,                   # Which UART to use.
    "baud_rate": 115200,            # Baud rate, data mode is 8-N-1.
    "fc_enable": false,             # Enable hardware CTS/RTS flow control
    "apn": "",                      # APN name
    "user": "",                     # User name
    "pass": "",                     # Password
    "connect_cmd": "ATDT*99***1#",  # AT command to send to initiate PPP data mode
    "echo_interval": 10,            # LCP Echo interval, seconds
    "echo_fails": 3,                # Number of failed echos before connection is declared dead are retried
    "hexdump_enable": false         # Dump all the data sent over UART to stderr

Default UART pin assignments are used and they can be found here.

Example configuration

Access Point Name, PPP username and password depend on the operator. They are usually public and can be found here.

Here's an example for Vodafone Ireland:

"pppos": {
  "enable": true,
  "uart_no": 1,
  "apn": "live.vodafone.ie",
  "user": "dublin",
  "pass": "dublin",


bool mgos_pppos_dev_get_ip_info(int if_instance,
                                struct mgos_net_ip_info *ip_info);

Retrieve IP configuration of the provided instance number (which should be of type MGOS_NET_IF_TYPE_PPP), and fill provided ip_info with it. Returns true in case of success, false otherwise.


bool mgos_pppos_create(const struct mgos_config_pppos *cfg, int if_instance);

Create PPPoS interface instance. cfg must remain valid for the lifetime of the instance.


bool mgos_pppos_connect(int if_instance);

Initiate connection.


bool mgos_pppos_disconnect(int if_instance);

Disconnect interface.


typedef bool (*mgos_pppos_cmd_cb_t)(void *cb_arg, bool ok, struct mg_str data);

Command/sequence callback. ok will be set to the command response status (OK = true, ERROR == false). data will contain response payload - any data received from the modem after the comamnd was sent and before OK/ERROR was received. Return value should indicate whether sequence should continue: if callback returns true, the sequence continued and next command is executed. If the return value is false, the sequence is aborted, remaining commands (if any) are not executed and sequence finalizer is run (if provided).


bool mgos_pppos_run_cmds(int if_instance, const struct mgos_pppos_cmd *cmds);

Send custom command sequence. This can be sent both when the interface is idle as well as when connection is up. In the latter case the connectio will be suspended to execute the command sequence. If cb is set, it will receive command response (not including OK/ERROR). The sequence must end with an entry that has cmd set to NULL. Callback on this last entry, if set, serves as a finalzier: it will be invoked when the sequence ends, successfully or not (this is passed as "ok" argument). The finalizer does not receive and data.

mgos_pppos_run_cmds may return false if the modem is busy executing another command sequence.

Example: // Retrieve GNSS status from SimCom GPS-capable modem: const struct mgos_pppos_cmd cmds[] = { {.cmd = "AT+CGNSPWR=1"}, // Turn on GNSS (if not already). {.cmd = "AT+CGNSINF", .cb = gnsinf_cb}, {.cmd = NULL}, }; mgos_pppos_run_cmds(0, cmds);

bool gnsinf_cb(void *cb_arg, bool ok, struct mg_str data) { if (!ok) return false; int run = 0, fix = 0; char time[20]; float lat = 0, lon = 0, alt = 0, speed = 0, course = 0; sscanf(data.p, "+CGNSINF: %d,%d,%18s,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f", &run, &fix, time, &lat, &lon, &alt, &speed, &course); if (fix) { LOG(LL_INFO, ("lat,lon: %f,%f alt: %.3f speed: %.2f course: %.2f", lat, lon, alt, speed, course)); } else { LOG(LL_INFO, ("No GNSS fix yet")); } (void) cb_arg; return true; }

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