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See for more information about UART.


bool mgos_uart_configure(int uart_no, const struct mgos_uart_config *cfg);

Apply given UART configuration.


int uart_no = 0;

struct mgos_uart_config ucfg;
mgos_uart_config_set_defaults(uart_no, &ucfg);

ucfg.baud_rate = 115200;
ucfg.rx_buf_size = 1500;
ucfg.tx_buf_size = 1500;

if (!mgos_uart_configure(uart_no, &ucfg)) {
  LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Failed to configure UART%d", uart_no));


void mgos_uart_config_set_defaults(int uart_no, struct mgos_uart_config *cfg);

Fill provided cfg structure with the default values. See example above.


bool mgos_uart_config_get(int uart_no, struct mgos_uart_config *cfg);

Fill provided cfg structure with the current UART config. Returns false if the specified UART has not bee configured yet.


typedef void (*mgos_uart_dispatcher_t)(int uart_no, void *arg);

UART dispatcher signature, see mgos_uart_set_dispatcher()


void mgos_uart_set_dispatcher(int uart_no, mgos_uart_dispatcher_t cb,
                              void *arg);

Set UART dispatcher: a callback which gets called when there is data in the input buffer or space available in the output buffer.


size_t mgos_uart_write(int uart_no, const void *buf, size_t len);

Write data to the UART. Note: if there is enough space in the output buffer, the call will return immediately, otherwise it will wait for buffer to drain. If you want the call to not block, check mgos_uart_write_avail() first.


size_t mgos_uart_write_avail(int uart_no);

Returns amount of space availabe in the output buffer.


int mgos_uart_printf(int uart_no, const char *fmt, ...);

Write data to UART, printf style. Note: currently this requires that data is fully rendered in memory before sending. There is no fixed limit as heap allocation is used, but be careful when printing longer strings.


size_t mgos_uart_read(int uart_no, void *buf, size_t len);

Read data from UART input buffer. Note: unlike write, read will not block if there are not enough bytes in the input buffer.


size_t mgos_uart_read_mbuf(int uart_no, struct mbuf *mb, size_t len);

Like mgos_uart_read, but reads into an mbuf.


size_t mgos_uart_read_avail(int uart_no);

Returns the number of bytes available for reading.


void mgos_uart_set_rx_enabled(int uart_no, bool enabled);

Controls whether UART receiver is enabled.


bool mgos_uart_is_rx_enabled(int uart_no);

Returns whether UART receiver is enabled.


void mgos_uart_flush(int uart_no);

Flush the UART output buffer - waits for data to be sent.


void mgos_uart_schedule_dispatcher(int uart_no, bool from_isr);

Schedule a call to dispatcher on the next mongoose_poll


const struct mgos_uart_stats *mgos_uart_get_stats(int uart_no);

Get UART statistics



UART.setConfig(uartNo, param)

Set UART config. param is an object with the following optional fields:

  • baudRate: baud rate, integer, default: 115200;
  • numDataBits: Number of data bits, default: 8;
  • parity: Parity: 0 - none, 1 - even, 2 - odd; default: none;
  • numStopBits: Number of stop bits: 1 - 1 bit, 2 - 2 bits, 3 - 1.5; default: 1;
  • rxBufSize: size of the Rx buffer, integer, default: 256;
  • rxFlowControl: whether Rx flow control (RTS pin) is enabled, boolean, default: false;
  • rxLingerMicros: how many microseconds to linger after Rx fifo is empty, in case more data arrives. Integer, default: 15;
  • txBufSize: size of the Tx buffer, integer, default: 256;
  • txFlowControl: whether Tx flow control (CTS pin) is enabled, boolean, default: false;

Other than that, there are architecture-dependent settings, grouped in the objects named with the architecture name: "esp32", "esp8266", etc.

Settings for esp32:

  esp32: {
      * GPIO pin numbers, default values depend on UART.
      * UART 0: Rx: 3, Tx: 1, CTS: 19, RTS: 22
      * UART 1: Rx: 13, Tx: 14, CTS: 15, RTS: 16
      * UART 2: Rx: 17, Tx: 25, CTS: 26, RTS: 27
     gpio: {
       rx: number,
       tx: number,
       cts: number,
       rts: number,

     /* Hardware FIFO tweaks */
     fifo: {
        * A number of bytes in the hardware Rx fifo, should be between 1 and 127.
        * How full hardware Rx fifo should be before "rx fifo full" interrupt is
        * fired.
       rxFullThresh: number,

        * A number of bytes in the hardware Rx fifo, should be more than
        * rx_fifo_full_thresh.
        * How full hardware Rx fifo should be before CTS is deasserted, telling
        * the other side to stop sending data.
       rxFcThresh: number,

        * Time in uart bit intervals when "rx fifo full" interrupt fires even if
        * it's not full enough
       rxAlarm: number,

        * A number of bytes in the hardware Tx fifo, should be between 1 and 127.
        * When the number of bytes in Tx buffer becomes less than
        * tx_fifo_empty_thresh, "tx fifo empty" interrupt fires.
       txEmptyThresh: number,


UART.setDispatcher(uartNo, callback, userdata)

Set UART dispatcher callback which gets invoked when there is a new data in the input buffer or when the space becomes available on the output buffer.

Callback receives the following arguments: (uartNo, userdata).


UART.write(uartNo, data)

Write data to the buffer. Returns number of bytes written.

Example usage: UART.write(1, "foobar"), in this case, 6 bytes will be written.



Return amount of space available in the output buffer.

It never blocks, and returns a string containing read data (which will be empty if there's no data available).



Return amount of data available in the input buffer.



Set whether Rx is enabled.



Returns whether Rx is enabled.



Flush the UART output buffer, wait for the data to be sent.

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