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mongoose-os-libs/i2c mgos_i2c.h   api_i2c.js

This library adds I2C master support for the Mongoose OS. See default pin mapping in the yml file for your platform: mos_<PLATFORM>.yml.


struct mgos_i2c *mgos_i2c_create(const struct mgos_config_i2c *cfg);

Initialize I2C master with the given params. Typically clients don't need to do that manually: mgos has a global I2C instance created with the params given in system config, use mgos_i2c_get_global() to get the global instance.


const struct mgos_config_i2c cfg = {
  .enable: true,
  .freq: 400,
  .debug: 0,
  .sda_gpio: 13,
  .scl_gpio: 12,
struct mgos_i2c *myi2c = mgos_i2c_create(&cfg);


#define MGOS_I2C_ADDR_CONTINUE ((uint16_t) -1)

If this special address is passed to read or write, START is not generated and address is not put on the bus. It is assumed that this is a continuation of a previous operation which (after read or write with stop = false).


bool mgos_i2c_read(struct mgos_i2c *i2c, uint16_t addr, void *data, size_t len,
                   bool stop);

Read specified number of bytes from the specified address. Address should not include the R/W bit. If addr is -1, START is not performed. If |stop| is true, then at the end of the operation bus will be released.


bool mgos_i2c_write(struct mgos_i2c *i2c, uint16_t addr, const void *data,
                    size_t len, bool stop);

Write specified number of bytes from the specified address. Address should not include the R/W bit. If addr is -1, START is not performed. If |stop| is true, then at the end of the operation bus will be released.


void mgos_i2c_stop(struct mgos_i2c *i2c);

Release the bus (when left unreleased after read or write).


int mgos_i2c_get_freq(struct mgos_i2c *i2c);

Get I2C interface frequency.


bool mgos_i2c_set_freq(struct mgos_i2c *i2c, int freq);

Set I2C interface frequency.


int mgos_i2c_read_reg_b(struct mgos_i2c *conn, uint16_t addr, uint8_t reg);

Helper for reading 1-byte register reg from a device at address addr. In case of success return a numeric byte value from 0x00 to 0xff; otherwise return -1.


int mgos_i2c_read_reg_w(struct mgos_i2c *conn, uint16_t addr, uint8_t reg);

Helper for reading 2-byte register reg from a device at address addr. In case of success returns a numeric big-endian value: e.g. if 0x01, 0x02 was read from a device, 0x0102 will be returned.

In case of error returns -1.


bool mgos_i2c_read_reg_n(struct mgos_i2c *conn, uint16_t addr, uint8_t reg,
                         size_t n, uint8_t *buf);

Helper for reading n-byte register value from a device. Returns true on success, false on error. Data is written to buf, which should be large enough.


bool mgos_i2c_write_reg_b(struct mgos_i2c *conn, uint16_t addr, uint8_t reg,
                          uint8_t value);

Helper for writing 1-byte register reg to a device at address addr. Returns true in case of success, false otherwise.


bool mgos_i2c_write_reg_w(struct mgos_i2c *conn, uint16_t addr, uint8_t reg,
                          uint16_t value);

Helper for writing 2-byte register reg to a device at address addr. The value is big-endian: e.g. if value is 0x0102, then 0x01, 0x02 will be written. Returns true in case of success, false otherwise.


bool mgos_i2c_write_reg_n(struct mgos_i2c *conn, uint16_t addr, uint8_t reg,
                          size_t n, const uint8_t *buf);

Helper for writing n-byte register reg to a device at address addr. Returns true in case of success, false otherwise.


bool mgos_i2c_setbits_reg_b(struct mgos_i2c *conn, uint16_t addr, uint8_t reg,
                            uint8_t bitoffset, uint8_t bitlen, uint8_t value);
bool mgos_i2c_getbits_reg_b(struct mgos_i2c *conn, uint16_t addr, uint8_t reg,
                            uint8_t bitoffset, uint8_t bitlen, uint8_t *value);
bool mgos_i2c_setbits_reg_w(struct mgos_i2c *conn, uint16_t addr, uint8_t reg,
                            uint8_t bitoffset, uint8_t bitlen, uint16_t value);
bool mgos_i2c_getbits_reg_w(struct mgos_i2c *conn, uint16_t addr, uint8_t reg,
                            uint8_t bitoffset, uint8_t bitlen, uint16_t *value);

Helper to set/get a number of bits in a register reg on a device at address addr.

  • bitoffset: 0..n, is the position at which to write value n=7 for reg_b, n=15 for reg_w
  • bitlen : 1..m, number of bits to write m=8 for reg_b, m=16 for reg_w
  • value : the value to write there


  • value must fit in bitlen (ie value < 2^bitlen)
  • bitlen+bitoffset <= register size (8 for reg_b, 16 for reg_w)
  • bitlen cannot be 0.
  • *conn cannot be NULL.

The setbits call will write the bits to the register, the getbits call will return the value of those bits in *value.

Returns true in case of success, false otherwise.

Examples (the bits set or get are between []):

  1. If register was 0x00 (0b00000000) mgos_i2c_setbits_reg_b(conn, addr, reg, 0, 1, 1); Register will be 0x01 (0b0000000[1])
  2. If register was 0xffff (0b1111111111111111) mgos_i2c_setbits_reg_w(conn, addr, reg, 14, 2, 0); Register will be 0x3fff (0b[00]11111111111111)
  3. If register was 0xabcd (0b1010101111001101) mgos_i2c_setbits_reg_w(conn, addr, reg, 10, 4, 5); Register will be 0x97cd (0b10[0101]1111001101)
  4. If register was 0xabcd (0b1010101111001101) mgos_i2c_getbits_reg_w(conn, addr, reg, 0, 2, &value); value will be 1 (0b10101011110011[01]) mgos_i2c_getbits_reg_w(conn, addr, reg, 13, 3, &value); value will be 5 (0b[101]0101111001101) mgos_i2c_getbits_reg_w(conn, addr, reg, 6, 5, &value); value will be 15 (0b10101[01111]001101) mgos_i2c_getbits_reg_w(conn, addr, reg, 5, 9, &value); value will be 350 (0b10[101011110]01101)


void mgos_i2c_close(struct mgos_i2c *conn);

Close i2c connection and free resources.


struct mgos_i2c *mgos_i2c_get_bus(int bus_no);

Return bus object for the specified bus number.


struct mgos_i2c *mgos_i2c_get_global(void);

Return the default I2C bus. Equivalent to mgos_i2c_get_bus(0).


bool mgos_i2c_reset_bus(int sda_gpio, int scl_gpio);

Init given pins as OD outputs and perform bus reset by sending dummy clocks.




Get I2C bus handle. Return value: opaque pointer.



Close I2C handle. Return value: none.


I2C.write(handle, addr, buf, size, stop)

Send a byte array to I2C. If stop is true, the bus will be released at the end. Return value: success, true/false.


I2C.read(handle, addr, len, stop)

Read specified number of bytes from the specified address. If stop is true, the bus will be released at the end. Return value: null on error, string with data on success. Example:

let data = I2C.read(bus, 31, 3, true);  // Read 3 bytes
if (data) print(JSON.stringify([data.at(0), data.at(1), data.at(2)]));



Set i2c Stop condition. Releases the bus. Return value: none.


I2C.readRegB(handle, addr, reg)

Read 1-byte register reg from the device at address addr; in case of success return a numeric byte value from 0x00 to 0xff; otherwise return -1. Example:

// Read 1 byte from the register 0x40 of the device at the address 0x12
let val = I2C.readRegB(bus, 0x12, 0x40);
if (val >= 0) print(val);


I2C.readRegW(handle, addr, reg)

Read 2-byte register reg from the device at address addr; in case of success return a numeric value; e.g. if 0x01, 0x02 was read from a device, 0x0102 will be returned. In case of a failure return -1.

// Read 2 bytes from the register 0x40 of the device at the address 0x12
let val = I2C.readRegW(bus, 0x12, 0x40);
if (val >= 0) print(val);


I2C.readRegN(handle, addr, reg, num)

Read N-byte register reg from the device at address addr. In case of success return a string with data; otherwise return an empty string.

E.g. if 0x61, 0x62, 0x63 was read from a device, "abc" will be returned. You can get numeric values using at(n), e.g. "abc".at(0) is 0x61.

// Read 7 bytes from the register 0x40 of the device at the address 0x12
let buf = I2C.readRegN(bus, 0x12, 0x40, 7);
if (buf != "") for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { print(buf.at(i)); }


I2C.writeRegB(handle, addr, reg, val)

Write numeric val (from 0x00 to 0xff) into 1-byte register reg at address addr. Return true on success, false on failure.

// Write a byte 0x55 to the register 0x40 of the device at the address 0x12
let result = I2C.writeRegB(bus, 0x12, 0x40, 0x55);
if (result) print('success') else print('failure');


I2C.writeRegW(handle, addr, reg, val)

Write numeric val into 2-byte register reg at address addr. E.g. if val is 0x0102, then 0x01, 0x02 will be written. Return true on success, false on failure.

// Write a [0x55, 0x66] to the register 0x40 of the device at the address 0x12
let result = I2C.writeRegW(bus, 0x12, 0x40, 0x5566);
if (result) print('success') else print('failure');


I2C.writeRegN(handle, addr, reg, n, buf)

Write n first bytes of the string buf into the register reg at address addr. E.g. if buf is "abc", then 0x61, 0x62, 0x63 will be written. Return true on success, false on failure.

// Write a [0x55, 0x66, 0x77] to the register 0x40 of the device at the address 0x12
let result = I2C.writeRegN(bus, 0x12, 0x40, 3, "\x55\x66\x77");
if (result) print('success') else print('failure');
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