Mobile app

For every registered user, mDash serves custom Progressive Web App (PWA). This gives an ability to manage user's devices via a mobile phone. In order to enable PWA,

  • Choose "Mobile App" in the menu
  • Tick the "Enable mobile app" checkbox
  • Enter your email address and press on "Send invitation" button

That creates a built-in mobile app for the whole fleet of devices.

Customizing built-in app

The default app is customisable. It displays a list of devices shared with the particular mobile app customer, and for each device, displays a list of control widgets. The information displayed by each widget is based on a device shadow. Read-only widgets just display certain shadow values, and "actuator" widgets (swithes, buttons) modify shadow values. All device changes are caught via the websocket notifications, and displayed real-time.

The look and feel of the built-in app could be customised in by changing the var ui = { ... }; object in the PWA code. This is the default value:

  var ui = {
    title: 'My devices',
    // icon: 'fa-save',
    controls: [
      { path: 'on', type: 'toggle', title: 'LED on/off:' },
      { path: 'uptime', type: 'value', format: 'up:  %D', icon: 'fa-clock-o' },

As you see, you could modify app's title, menu icon, and define an arbitrary number of control widgets. The description of the available widgets is below.

Toggle button

{ path: 'SHADOW_KEY', type: 'toggle', title: 'YOUR TITLE' }

Renders a toggle button with a label. A shadow key points to a boolean true/false.


var ui = {
  title: 'Cool app',
  controls: [
    { path: 'on', type: 'toggle', title: 'my light:' },


{ path: 'SHADOW_KEY', type: 'value', icon: 'fa-save', format: '', title: 'hello' }

Renders shadow value. icon is optional, could be a font-awesome class, e.g. fa-save, or an inline base64-encoded icon data. The format could be:

  • %D expects a number of seconds, converts it to a Xd Xh Xm Xs.
  • %.Nf formats floating-point value, e.g. %.1f leaves one digits after comma.


var ui = {
  title: 'Cool app',
  controls: [
    { path: 'on', type: 'toggle', title: 'my light:' },
    { path: 'uptime', type: 'value', title: 'up:', icon: 'fa-clock-o', format: 'up: %D' },

Push button

{ path: 'SHADOW_KEY', type: 'button', icon: 'fa-save', title: 'hello' }

Renders a push button. icon is optional, could be a font-awesome class, e.g. fa-save, or an inline base64-encoded icon data. The shadow value must be an numeric value. Pushing a button will increment it and set incremented value in desired.


var ui = {
  title: 'Cool app',
  controls: [
    { path: 'on', type: 'toggle', title: 'my light:' },
    { path: 'uptime', type: 'value', title: 'up:', icon: 'fa-clock-o', format: 'up: %D' },
    { path: 'v1', type: 'button', title: 'start action', icon: 'fa-flash' },

Fully custom app

You can save your own code and totally modify the look and feel of the app. If you do so, you can always restore the built-in app by pressing the "Restore default app" button.

Mobile app API

mDash exports a different set of RESTful API to the mobile app. Mobile app API allows to get a list of devices, and render the UI according to their shadows.

Method Endpoint Params Description
GET /api/v2/appuser   Get list of devices
POST /api/v2/appuser/device/:id {shadow} Update device shadow
WSS /api/v2/appuser/ws   Websocket notification URI
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