Technical overview

A configured device connects to the dashboard over the secure Websocket, sending a Authorization: Bearer GENERATED_TOKEN handshake header. After the successful handshake, all communication is done via the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol. Each RPC frame wrapped into the Websocket frame.

The RESTful API endpoints that the dashboard exports start with /api/v2/. The endpoints that for the individual device start with /api/v2/devices/:id, where :id is the unique device ID, generated at the device registration together with the access token.

The dashboard gives a RESTful access to all RPC services exported by the device. Thus, the dashboard acts as a JSON-RPC / RESTful bridge. The device's RPC methods are mapped to /api/v2/devices/:id/rpc/:method endpoints. If the RPC endpoint does not accept any parameters, you cat use GET HTTP method. If it does, POST must be used. The parameters should be a JSON string, and the Content-Type: application/json header must be set, e.g.:

curl \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer API_KEY' \
  -d '{"pin": 2}' \

When a device comes online, the dash library that is responsible for the dashboard connection, sends a shadow update message with the information about the device: architecture, firmware version, etc:

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