Mongoose OS Joint Google IoT Core and Mongoose OS online webinar Mongoose OS and Google IoT Core are running a joint online webinar "Connecting Microcontrollers to Google Cloud with Mongoose OS" on the 11th of January 2018 @11am PST (7pm GMT). Join
MongooseOS Mongoose OS: Smart Washing Machine App This Smart Washing Machine App is created by Matthias B. and allows you to make a regular Washing Machine smart. The video below shows how an inexpensive washing machine can be integrated into
esp8266 Mongoose OS: Smoke Detector App This Smoke Detector App is created by Matthias B. and allows you to attach a microcontroller to a generic smoke detector and send notifications over WiFi and SMS to your smartphone. The WeMos(
esp8266 Reverse engineering of the ESP8266 watchdog timer ESP8266 contains a hardware watchdog timer (WDT) module. As many parts of ESP8266, it is undocumented. While working on Mongoose OS ESP8266 port, we reverse-engineered most of the module's functionality and ROM functions.
iot Secure remote device management with Mongoose OS and AWS IoT for ESP32, ESP8266, TI CC3200, STM32 In this article, we demonstrate and explain how Mongoose OS and AWS IoT implement secure remote device management. First let me show what is possible, then I'll jump to explanations. I'll start with
esp8266 The two-dollar secure IoT solution: Mongoose OS + ESP8266 + ATECC508 + AWS IoT Our previous article described how Mongoose OS can connect an ESP8266 to the AWS IoT. No other solution can do this - at least we're not aware of any. This is so because
esp8266 Why ESP8266 cannot be soft-rebooted after first flashing ESP8226 ROM boot loader determines what to do at boot time by the state of GPIO pins. As you probably know, pulling GPIO0 to ground makes it enter firmware download mode, which is