Mongoose OS is featured as part of Hackster Apps

Programming microcontrollers were possible long before the ‘Internet of Things’ entered our daily lives. But historically it was a privilege of just a few, since only limited amount of experienced developers were able to code for embedded using low level languages such as C/C++ and Assembly. On top of it there were long and tedious toolchain setup, studying the hardware and the SDK. Furthermore, switching to a different hardware platform means repeating everything from scratch.

But now Mongoose OS democratises microcontrollers programming and makes it available to the millions of developers out there.

With Mongoose OS, setup is quite straightforward and takes just few minutes, prototyping can be done in JavaScript and you can use real microcontrollers for your projects (like ESP8266, ESP32 or TI CC3200) not the ‘minicomputers boards’ like RPi or Galileo which are capable of running Linux, quite power hungry and still the way more expensive than MCUs.

Now as part of Hackster Apps, Mongoose OS is bringing its powerful features to your door!

Let’s have a closer look on Mongoose OS and address some of questions you might have.

What is Mongoose OS?

Mongoose OS is an open source Operating System for the Internet of Things.

What does it include?

  • It supports following microcontrollers: ESP32, ESP8266, STM32, TI CC3200 and more to come.
  • You can code in JavaScript (or you can still do it in C, if this is your first choice).
  • It has a built-in support for any public or private MQTT server (also known as IoT Cloud).
  • Supports TCP, UDP, HTTP, Websocket, MQTT, CoAP, DNS, mDNS-SD, SNTP protocols.
  • Has Filesystem with POSIX API and built-in encryption for device data protection.
  • Provides configuration infrastructure, Remote Procedure Calls, and OTA mechanisms.

What are the benefits of using it?

Mongoose OS helps you to reduce IoT firmware development time up to 90%!

How do I start with it?

Starting with Mongoose OS is really easy. Just get development board connected to your computer, go to Downloads and follow instructions.
Fear not! You would have the ‘mos’ tool installed and MCU flashed with Mongoose OS in no time! Start the clock and see - it will be in less than 5 minutes.
See this quick video as an example (it works similar way for Windows, Mac and Linux):

Do you have any Quick start guides for Mongoose OS?

Once you flashed Mongoose OS to your board, building your first firmware is quite simple.
Check this quick video below on the Internet button setup with Mongoose OS or follow full instructions here:

Do you have more documentation and tutorials?

Sure we got you sorted! More tutorials and guides are available under Mongoose OS -> Videos.
Make sure to see, how easy it is to build your projects with Mongoose OS and Seeedstudio Grove sensors.
Want to just read more on Mongoose OS? We got it all listed for you in the Documentation section.

What if I have questions or feedback?

Talk to us on We are looking forward hear your thoughts.

Happy Mongoose OSing! And do not forget to share your projects on Hackster so we can see all the cool stuff you are working on.