Mongoose OS supports the AWS Greengrass to help customers collect and process data out in the field

Mongoose OS, an open source Operating System for the Internet of Things, today announced support for AWS Greengrass, which gives customers an access to compute, messaging, data caching, and syncing services that run in the field, and that do not depend on constant, high-bandwidth connectivity.

AWS has officially launched Greengrass on June 7th 2017, and Mongoose OS was featured as a partner for this launch.

Many AWS customers want to collect and process data out in the field, where connectivity is often slow and sometimes either intermittent or unreliable. Greengrass allows them to extend the AWS programming model to small, simple, field-based devices. It builds on AWS IoT and AWS Lambda, and supports access to the ever-increasing variety of services that are available in the AWS Cloud.

Mongoose OS with its focus on the low power connected microcontrollers (such as ESP32, ESP8266, TI CC3200, STM32, etc) brings them to the AWS Greengrass.

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