Mongoose OS: Measure your Temperature, Humidity & Pressure with BME280 sensor App & Blynk

This BME280 sensor App is created by Rumen Nikiforov and allows you to measure Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and display it in mobile application created in Blynk mobile framework.
This App will work on ESP826, ESP32 or TI CC3200.

Blynk configuration:

  • Create a graph with virtual pin 1 (Graph of memory usage) limits min 0 - 50
  • Create a button with virtual pin 2 (Toggles led on/off)
  • Create a graph with virtual pin 3 (Graph of temperature) limits min -30 - 60
  • Create a graph with virtual pin 4 (Graph of humidity) limits min 0 - 100
  • Create a graph with virtual pin 5 (Graph of pressure) limits min 500 - 3000

You can easily add your own handlers for Blynk virtual pins, in either C or JavaScript.

The project was built with:

  • ESP826, ESP32 or TI CC3200
  • BME280 Temperature, Humidity, Pressure sensor
  • mos management tool installed (see mos installation guide)
  • Blynk mobile framework

How to start with this App?

  • Install and start MOS tool
  • Switch to the Project page, find and import the 'blynk-bme280-js' app, build and flash it:

More information and instructions on how to build this App can be found here:

Happy prototyping!

Contact us

To contact: send us a message or ask on the developer forum.