Results of AWS, Espressif and Mongoose OS event, San Francisco, Nov 2nd 2017

Mongoose OS presented and co-run workshop on the joint Espressif System, Amazon Web Services and Mongoose OS event at San Francisco Loft on Thursday, November 2nd 2017.
The event was dedicated to the release of the newest addition to the ESP32 family: ESP32-PICO-D4, a System-in-Package (SIP) module.

The all-day event comprised a demonstration of the ESP32-PICO-D4 module, an AWS IoT deep dive, presentations from Espressif and Mongoose OS.


Some of the event highlights:

Angus Gratton, Senior Embedded Software Engineer of Espressif Systems, covering Mongoose OS:

AWS Solution Architects, Anton Shmagin and Tim Mattison covering AWS IoT essentials:

And the best part, hands-on labs where participants were able to effortlessly prototype connected IoT products, using Espressif’s ESP32 modules with Mongoose OS and connect them to AWS IoT:

Find the setup guide and tutorials participants went through on the dedicated Mongoose OS ESP32-PICO-D4 kit page.



We have received a very positive feedback from the participating developers and our partners on the results of this event. As Mongoose OS allowed developers effortlessly to build their own IoT devices on ESP32, connect them to the AWS IoT and to receive and submit data.

Read also a summary on event by our partner Espressif Systems.

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